Dental Filling (Restoration)

Ah, dental fillings - the unsung hero of the dental world. It's like a dental magic trick, erasing cavities and restoring teeth to their former glory.

First, the dentist numbs the area around the cavity and removes the decayed portion of the tooth. It's like cutting out the bad parts of an apple and leaving only the sweet, juicy goodness.

Next, a white composite filling is placed in the cavity to restore the tooth. It's like a seamless patch, perfectly blending in with the surrounding tooth to create a smooth, natural finish.

Unlike the old silver amalgam fillings, our office uses only white composite fillings. It's like upgrading from an old clunky car to a sleek, modern sports car - not only do they look better, but they're also safer and more durable.

After the filling is placed, you'll leave the office with a fully restored tooth. It's like hitting the reset button on your dental health, giving your tooth a fresh start and a new lease on life.

And there you have it - the dental filling process, the discreet superhero that saves your teeth without anyone even knowing. And remember, at our office, we only use the latest and greatest white composite fillings, leaving the old silver amalgam fillings in the past where they belong.


Root Canal Therapy (RCT)


Zoom Whitening