Root Canal Therapy (RCT)

Root canals - the dental world's ultimate rescue mission. It's like sending in a crack team of dental commandos to save your tooth from certain doom and restore it to its former glory. 

First, the dentist numbs the area around the infected or damaged tooth. It's like a dental superpower, making any discomfort or pain disappear faster than a speeding bullet. Then, with the latest dental tools and expertise, the dentist carefully removes the infected or damaged tissue from the root canal. It's like a dental SWAT team, eradicating the bad stuff and leaving only the good behind. 

Afterward, the tooth is filled with a biocompatible material and sealed with a crown. It's like a dental fortress, protecting your tooth from any further harm and restoring it to its natural strength and beauty. And the best part? The root canal treatment is a painless and efficient process, so you can go back to enjoying life without any tooth-related worries. 

So, if you're experiencing tooth pain or discomfort, don't hesitate to call us for backup. Our team of dental commandos is ready to swoop in and save the day, giving you a reason to smile brighter than any superhero.


Gingivitis & Periodontitis (Gum Disease)


Dental Filling (Restoration)