Occlusal Appliance (Night Guard, Sports Guard, etc)

Do you grind your teeth like a caffeinated beaver? Do you clench your jaw like a weightlifter on steroids? Fear not, because night guards are here to save the day (and your teeth).

These little dental heroes are like armor for your teeth, protecting them from the wear and tear of grinding and clenching. It's like a dental superhero suit, shielding your pearly whites from harm and keeping them safe and sound.

But night guards aren't just for bruxism. If you're a sports fanatic, you'll want to protect your teeth from wayward balls and flying elbows with a sports guard. It's like a dental mouthguard, ensuring that your teeth stay in the game even when the rest of your body takes a beating. 

And for those of you who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, there are oral appliances that can help keep your airway open while you snooze. It's like a dental CPAP machine, giving you a good night's sleep without the hassle of a bulky mask and noisy machine.

So whether you're a tooth grinder, a sports enthusiast, or a sleep apnea sufferer, there's a dental appliance out there that's right for you. And the best part? You can wear them with pride, knowing that you're doing your part to protect your teeth and improve your oral health.


Wisdom Teeth Extraction


Teeth Extraction & Bone Graft