Teeth Extraction & Bone Graft

 Ah, dental extractions - the ultimate breakup between you and your tooth. It's like ending a toxic relationship, except you don't have to deal with any emotional baggage (just a little bit of bleeding and soreness).

But fear not, because when it comes to dental extractions, we've got your back (or your tooth, rather). We'll gently remove your troublesome tooth and send it packing, like a tooth-shaped suitcase headed for a one-way trip.

And if you need a bone graft after your extraction, don't worry - it's like giving your jawbone a little pick-me-up. We'll add some bone graft material to the site to encourage new bone growth, like a little booster shot of bone-boosting goodness.

So whether you're saying goodbye to a pesky tooth or giving your jawbone a little TLC, we've got the skills and expertise to make your dental experience a breeze. And who knows? Maybe you'll even come to love your bone graft material - it's like a little dental souvenir, a reminder of the time you spent with us and the improved oral health that came with it.


Occlusal Appliance (Night Guard, Sports Guard, etc)


Dental Crown